But How?

September 2014


On the invitation of Birgit Bauer, professor at the HTW (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft in Berlin), I held the following workshop with the title « It’s from what I do, that I am learning what I want - Editorial Design, Utopias and daily realities» (Das ist was ich tue, das mich lernt was ich suche. Editorial Design, Utopien und alltägliche Wirklichkeiten.) Together with the 15 MA Students, we worked on the design of the monthly newspaper for self organized structures « Contraste ». The students split into « working groups » with different focus (digital, image politic, format, types) and met once or twice a day to discuss. In five long days the students manage to produce their proposals, which are meant to be use as the foundation of discussion on perspectives for the development of a newspaper.

WITH: HTW Berlin; Anna, Eva, Thomas, Maria, Nina, Thomas, Sarah, Theresa, Clemens, Wiebke, Martin, Tiina, Tim, Eric, Luise (HTW MA Students)